On April 8 2024, Qing Chen from Chinese Agricultural University (CAU), Rodney Thompson from University of Almeria ( UAL), and Wim Voogt from Wageningen University and Research (WUR), together with Xueli Chen and other colleagues from Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences (HAAS) visited the ECONUTRI demonstration site of HAAS in Longjiang county in Heilongjiang province.
In this demonstration field, Maize will be grown with subsurface drip irrigation. In this field it three different fertilizers will be applied together with the sowing. The fertilisers to be applied will be delivered by three different stakeholders and are supposed to increase the Nutrient Use Efficiency. The scientists discussed about the technical details and gave some guidance on the application of the different, the irrigation, the fertilisers and the best approaches to acquire monitoring data and the dissemination of the results to farmers.