4. Fields spread over Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy – VERVAET – P15
Demonstrator: Commercial farms Chiari, Biaggi, Jumpers & Vandenborne (contractors of VERVAET) – Technologies limiting nutrient losses during & after manure application
Type and volume of input materials/products
Demonstration fields for technologies limiting nutrient losses during and after field application of manure
Type & volume of output materials/products
Optimisation of organic fertilisation using innovative devices for variable rate application of slurries.
- Demonstration site BE
- Good location nearby the Vervaet Frans factory (see open day later on)
- Can be used to test the different tasks of Vervaet in the ECONUTRI project
- Open for other partners to assess some of the improvement during the course of the project
- Formal organisation of two demonstration site visits
- Registration
- Information session
- Demonstration
- Good opportunities to show the products and technologies related to ECONUTRI & her partners
Demonstration of:
- Manure application machine – state of the art
- Variable rate application – end to end demo
- Based on steering of pump rotation speed
- NPK steered variable rate application
- Based on NPK sensors of different providers
- John Deere
- Dynamica generali
- Taskmap based upon data available in farmmaps
- Based on NPK sensors of different providers